Natural spaces


Acknowledged in The Traveller ( , supplement of the newspaper El País,…
Acknowledged in The Traveller ( , supplement of the newspaper El País, as one of the most beautiful viewpoints of the region and of the peninsula, it is a platform built in 2004 that rises from a cliff and at its end is suspended several tens of metres above the Segura River, which flows just below. Surrounded by mountains full of pine trees, it creates a captivating landscape of the town of Blanca and a myriad of small houses with their orchards and vegetable gardens. From the viewpoint it is easy to contemplate spectacular sunrises and sunsets, or many of the aquatic birds such as herons, ducks and others that inhabit this ecosystem, as well as wild boars that come down to the river from nearby fields. It is a bucolic place to have a spectacular panoramic view of the heart of the Ricote valley. With Blanca on one side and the Azud de Ojós reservoir on the other, the “Alto de Bayna” viewpoint is one of the best places to contemplate the beauty of both.