Natural spaces



At the intersection between Cabo de Palos and La Manga, is the Espacio Litoral de Las Amoladeras, an area free of urbanization as it is protected by its…
At the intersection between Cabo de Palos and La Manga, is the Espacio Litoral de Las Amoladeras, an area free of urbanization as it is protected by its natural, landscape and archaeological values. This space has important protection figures: - ZEPA of the Mar Menor - LIC Open Spaces and Islands of the Mar Menor - Protected Landscape Open Spaces and Islands of the Mar Menor - RAMSAR Wetland of International Importance - Area of ¿¿Special Importance of the Mediterranean ZEPIM In it we can find autochthonous species, such as the Margarita de Mar (Asteriscus marimus), the Albardín (Lygium spartum), the Taray (Tamarix sp.) Or the Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera). On its border with the beach there are also dune systems whose importance lies in the fact that they consolidate the beach and prevent the loss of sand, in addition to giving shelter to many species of fauna and flora, some of them in danger of extinction in the Region of Murcia , such as the dune juniper (Juniperus turbinata). The dune systems are dynamic and fragile environments, being in the coastal area of ¿¿Las Amoladeras one of the last dune systems present in the coastal strip of La Manga del Mar Menor. It is also worth noting that bird species such as avocets (Recurvirostra avosetta), terns (Sterna albofrons), plovers (Charadrius alexandrinus), gray herons (Ardea cinerea) and flamingos (Phoenicopteus roseus) nest in this space. This protected space receives its name from the archaeological site of the eneolithic period that is found here. In it, a large number of grinding stones were found, such as hand mills, to crush cereals, used by the settlers who about 5000 years ago, at the beginning of the Metal Age, settled in this area, surely attracted by the availability of natural resources. In the Archaeological Museum of Cartagena a good number of the archaeological remains found in this site are preserved and exhibited. We can enjoy this Coastal Area on the route from La Manga to Cabo de Palos, also known as the 10,000-step path, with the variable in this section of traveling along the shores of Las Amoladeras beach.