Natural spaces



In the morning of Good Friday, Archena celebrates the "Procession of the Encuentro Doloroso". The "Encuentro Doloroso" is held after thrones and nazarenes…
In the morning of Good Friday, Archena celebrates the "Procession of the Encuentro Doloroso". The "Encuentro Doloroso" is held after thrones and nazarenes formed in long queues and go out of the Church of Saint Juan Bautista. Then, during its way to the Plaza de España the "Encuentro Doloroso" takes place between the images of Saint Juan, the Virgin of los Dolores and Our Father Jesús Nazareno.

Thousands of people observe this representation, with background music played by the Centuria Romana, which always accompanies the "Nazareno". Later, in the stillness and silence of this day the sermon, which is given in the balcony of the town council, can be heard. The procession continues in the oldest part of the town, to celebrate the "Encuentro of the Nazareno" a second time, but this time with La Verónica, in whose cloth the face of Jesus Christ still remains. This morning, the "marchas" (musical march) of the Centuria Romana of Archena are very characteristic, these pieces of music accompany the well-known "puntos", also played along the walk. The Centuria Romana want to represent with the aggressiveness of their lances the moment when the centurion Longino stuck his in the side of Christ.