Art and culture in Murcia



The Entierro de la Sardina (Burial of the Sardine) is the end of the Fiestas de Primavera (Spring Festivities) which are held in Murcia. In this way, the…
The Entierro de la Sardina (Burial of the Sardine) is the end of the Fiestas de Primavera (Spring Festivities) which are held in Murcia. In this way, the Entierro de la Sardina is the craziest and wild night of Murcia.

This Saturday on April, a crazy parade with "gigantes" and "cabezudos" (giants and oversized heads), "hachones" and "titiriteros" (firebrands and acrobats), "demonios" (demons) and Brazilian groups of samba guard dozens of floats. Each of these floats belong to a "agrupación sardinera" (sardine association), who give out thousands of toys to the assistants in honour of the Gods of Olympus. During the previous days, the comparsas (troupes) of each "agrupación sardinera" liven up the city with parades.

The day before the Entierro, at night, the Will of Doña Sardina is read from the balcony of the City Council. These festivities end at dawn, when the last float is put away. Then the statue of the Sardine, made of stone and cardboard is burnt in the Plana de San Francisco in the popular revelry.

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