Art and culture in Cartagena



This wall in Cartagena belongs, in a military sense, to the Escuela Española de Fortificaciones Abalaurtadas (Spanish School of Bastioned Fortifications).…
This wall in Cartagena belongs, in a military sense, to the Escuela Española de Fortificaciones Abalaurtadas (Spanish School of Bastioned Fortifications). Its layout covers 4,970 meters, 1,600 of which have completely disappeared or appear partially buried in some areas. The wall surrounds the whole city and the arsenal. The wall, whose construction was ordered by Charles III, has been the main defensive system of the city, which in land was completed with a castle and in the sea with coastal forts or batteries. Its layout is divided into six fronts: Frente Sur or Muralla del Mar (South Front or Sea Wall), Frente Este or Puertas de San José (East Front or San José¿s Doors), Frente Norte or Almarjal (North Front or Almarjal), Frente de las Puertas de Madrid (Front of Madrid¿s Doors), Frente Oeste or de Benipila (West Front or of Benipila) and Frente de Galeras (Front of Galleys).