Art and culture in Lorca



The Chapel of the Rosary, attached to the Church of Sto. Domingo, is the religious headquarters of Paso Blanco. In 1707 the stone was suppressed and its…
The Chapel of the Rosary, attached to the Church of Sto. Domingo, is the religious headquarters of Paso Blanco. In 1707 the stone was suppressed and its construction was attributed to Toribio Martinez de la Vega. In 1740 the stonemason Pedro Bravo Morata worked the cover. Inside you can see the remains that were left of the old altarpiece, made by the carver Ganga Ripoll in 1747, having reintegrated its architecture and accurately carved by the Lorca Antonio Morales. In the dome and pendentives there are some good tempera paintings, with motifs and characters of the Dominican Order, made by Baltasar Martínez. In this chapel the works of the Embroidery Museum of Paso Blanco are exhibited, which are processioned during Holy Week.